Fine Tofu Dining

Kyoto was described to us as a "tofu-forward" city, and after spending a week there, our co-op-y little hearts are happy to report that it lived up to that reputation! We had the privilege of dining at two tofu kaiseki multi-course restaurants in Kyoto. We say privilege because getting a reservation at these spots is non-trivial. From what we've read, businesses in Japan heavily weigh relationships, so one cannot simply expect to get a reservation if one is available. Some sort of "in" is helpful. One restaurant, Shoraian , only takes reservations over the phone. Since we don't speak Japanese, you see our problem. Fortunately, we used our "phone-a-friend" lifeline and asked a Japanese family friend to see if she could call on our behalf. Even though she called a week ahead of time, out of the four days we said we were free, only one was available AND apparently it made things go smoother when she claimed I was h...