Piso Perfect (and more!)

Having just done some serious apartment, or "piso," hunting, you'll notice this is what's been on our minds :) 1) The days are long, but the pillows are longer Everyone knows that Spaniards like to stay out late. A meal can last over three hours, and a night out might go until 4:30AM. But it might surprise our readers - it certainly surprised us! - that the pillows are just as long. We recently moved into a long-term apartment, and our landlord provided new pillows for the guest bed. Or I should say, he provided one new pillow, that runs across the entire double-sized bed. An interesting choice! At first we suspected that maybe it was a particular quirk of his, but during a stay in an AirBnB in Granada we found that each and every bed (four in total) came complete with a lengthy head cushion that ran from one side to the other. We're currently using the long pillow as a cushion on our sofa. IKEA is also loaded with "long format" pillows here. This al...